Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat ðŸ˜‰

Ok, so in this scenario I’m the goose, but I’m not about to start dieting this side of Christmas!!
I can’t believe how it’s managed to sneak up on me this year, only 3 more sleeps to go?! Its going to be our first Christmas as a family of four, and with Bella being 2 and a half now, she’s starting to understand it a bit more. Only the other day, she asked if we were going to see Father Christmas, and I found myself having to explain that he didn’t live in Sainsburys!

It’s been a hectic few weeks for us. For starters, Bella’s moods have been utterly horrid, and at times I’ve had to walk away from her so she doesn’t see me cry. I don’t know whether it’s due to teething, or tiredness, or something else, but when the tantrums start I feel like I want the ground to swallow me up. Fortunately the last couple of days have been better and even though she woke at 2am the other morning, by around 10ish she was acting like the lovely little girl I remember, and was even dishing out cuddles and kisses!
Recently I’ve also been suffering a bit with a silly cough. To be honest, it’s not the cough that bothers me, but the massive headache it gives me. For a week I barely had any voice, much to MrV’s pleasure, and the girls’ amusement. It was incredibly hard to tell off a toddler screaming at you when all you can do is whisper!! It then progressed to a sore throat once I had some sort of voice back, and now it’s a full blown cold. I’m pretty sure I had a cold last Christmas too, though I’m not pregnant this time so I can at least dose myself up on cold remedies!

As for Millie, I can’t believe how much she’s changing. She can stand herself up now, and she lasts a good 10 seconds before plonking her bum back down and looking rather pleased with herself! She has a pretty good appetite, though in investigating her food, a good deal of it ends up on the floor. I certainly won’t miss this stage if it ever ends! She seems very interested in our Christmas tree, which luckily is standing on a little table rather than the floor, but she still has a bloomin’ good try at reaching for it!

I really can’t wait to see the girls’ faces when they see all their presents from everyone, I’m hoping I remember to charge the camera so I can bore you all with photos! 😉

That’s it for now, I’d better get Millie back to bed as she’s drained her last bottle for the night. Such a shame as she’s lovely and cuddly! x

By trouble_comes_in_threes

Silent Sunday

Ok, I know this should be ‘Silent Sunday’ but I’ve got another post coming too, so apologies! Forgive me as it’s Christmas?!? x

By trouble_comes_in_threes

And the winner is…

Following on from the competition to win a Personal Planner on my last blog post, unfortunately there were only 4 entrants. I’m quite disappointed about that, but after checking with the lovely Sara at Personal Planner UK, she’s agreed that we can still pick a winner rather than letting it run a little longer.
I had a little helper to pick the winner, we wrote the names on paper and used her teapot to shake them up!
Without any further ado, the winner is…

We’ll done Tess, we’ll be sending you an email shortly!

By trouble_comes_in_threes